1:<rexxtags:page title="What is REXXTAGS?" type="Tutorial"> 2:
3:<p>To make it simple, <a href="/">REXXTAGS</a> is a very easy way
4:to write XML tags in the <a href="http://rexx.hursley.ibm.com">REXX</a> language.
5:</p> 6:
7:<p>As a trivial example, let's suppose that you'd like to have an emphasis tag,
8:<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><b><sample:em></b></font>,
9:which emphasizes text by showing it in <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i>.
10:You'd like to be able to write XML code like</p> 11:
12:<simple:box title="XML Code"> 13: <rexxtags:xmlhighlight lineno="yes"> 14:This is normal text, <sample:em>and this is emphasized
15:text</sample:em>. This is normal again.
16: </rexxtags:xmlhighlight> 17:<br /><br /> 18:</simple:box> 19:
20:<p>and obtain the following output on your browser:</p> 21:
22:<simple:box title="Browser output (shown centered)"> 23: <br /> 24: <center> 25: This is normal text, <sample:em>and this is emphasized
26: text</sample:em>. This is normal again.
27: </center> 28: <br /> 29:</simple:box> 30:
31:<p>To achieve this effect, all you have to do is to write a <u>REXX tag</u>:</p> 32:
33:<simple:box title="REXX Tag code"> 34: <rexxtags:rexxhighlight lineno="yes"> 35:Parse arg verb
37: If verb == 'START' Then Return '<b><i>'
38: If verb == 'END' Then Return '</i></b>'
40:Return 0
41: </rexxtags:rexxhighlight> 42:<br /><br /> 43:</simple:box> 44:<br /> 45:</rexxtags:page>
Last update: 29/12/11 at 14:22